Lindsay Aveilhé is a New York-based independent curator and Editor of the Sol LeWitt Wall Drawings Catalogue Raisonné and Co-Editor of Sol LeWitt Writings and Sol LeWitt Selected Interviews. Aveilhé frequently serves as a panelist and lecturer on the topic of Conceptual art, artist books, and the work of Sol LeWitt. In recent years, she has been particularly focused on new ways to engage emerging technologies to tell stories about art. She acted as an author and curator of the Sol LeWitt app, a mobile app project made in collaboration with the Estate of Sol LeWitt and Microsoft launched in September 2020. Recent curatorial projects include Sol LeWitt at the Reykjavík Art Museum (2020), the first survey exhibition of LeWitt’s work in Iceland and Sol LeWitt: Lines, Forms, Volumes at Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Naples (2019). In 2021, her essay “Long Live the Ephemeral: Cataloguing Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawings” was included in Locating LeWitt: Between Mind and Body (Yale University Press). She is currently working as a consultant on the early stage development an international artist-driven arts nonprofit and curating a biennial project that will take place in 2023.


The artist appeals to that part of our being…which is a gift and not an acquisition—and, therefore, more permanently enduring.

— Joseph Conrad


Public Engagement